Choose The $97 One-Time Payment Option
And Get 12 Months of Bnb Alpha Gold Access!
PLUS get my favorite tools that make people hand you their Airbnb's effortlessly. It's simple:
1) Print out my secret battle-tested door hanger templates for just 5 to 15 cents each (like at VistaPrint). Hang them on cool houses.
2) When they call you, follow my proven 3-minute phone script to easily add their Airbnb's to your cashflow machine. It literally works.
This is the exact way I got my first properties quickly and easily (while spending less than $100) that jumpstarted my $2.1M in semi-passive revenue.
Get My Print-Ready Door Hanger Templates AND My "Introvert-Approved" Easy Phone Script PLUS 12 Months of Exclusive Access to Bnb Alpha Gold PLUS Your $8,857 of Free Gifts Now
That will allow you to quickly and easily add Airbnb after Airbnb to your cashflow machine... without owning, renting or leasing a single property — and without spending a single dime on confusing ads.
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Congratulations! Your free book will be sent to your email in 15 minutes, but first...
Congratulations! Your free book will be sent to your email in 15 minutes, but first...
I'm known as the introverted host who quietly made $2.3M on Airbnb™ using a formula so simple you'll slap yourself.
As an Airbnb™ Rev Share expert, I've been honored to impact the lives of people just like you and today, I'm gifting my super simple Airbnb™ formula to you 🏆
Right here on this page...
You'll get some of my most battle-tested secrets...
Over $6,857 specifically.
Why on earth would I do that?
There's just one reason. My calling is the same as yours.
Yes, money matters. But for me, it's bigger than that. This is a movement.
Called to a life of freedom. To serve those we care about, and create multi-generational impact, at the highest level.
That's why I'm GIFTING you $6,857 worth of pure gold for only $1.00.
I'm an Airbnb™ business coach specializing in semi-passive, highly-automated cashflow.
But years before I found Airbnb™, I broke into Hollywood at the ripe old age of 24.
Over time I got hired on 100+ shows like "Fast & Furious 7" and "The Voice" for studios like Universal, Sony and Warner Bros.
But as cool as it was working 12-18 hour days, every time I looked at my paycheck, I couldn't help asking myself: "Is... that it?" 🤔
So I did something "crazy"...Â
I left it all behind to build my own empire instead of theirs. To stop trading "hours for dollars." To create cashflow without ceilings. To pursue that quiet voice that says "You Were Born For MORE..." 🫵
Everything changed when I stumbled upon a little-known business model that allowed me to create $2.3M in revenue on Airbnb™... giving me freedom to spend time with my kids and build wealth from anywhere... 🏝️
Let me ask you a question...
If you woke up and checked your bank account tomorrow morning, and instead of the usual amount, saw more money than you literally knew what to do with...
How would that make you feel?
Imagine paying off ALL your credit card debt and seeing your credit score fly higher and higher... Your final statement comes in...
Balance Due: $0.00
Or walking into your soul-sucking 9-5 and telling your boss that HE'S fired... because quite frankly, now you're making more money than he'll ever make...Â
Now instead of feeling stuck, insecure, anxious, dead inside and stressed about money, quietly haunted by the fear that you're "missing out" on life...
Wondering, "Is something wrong with me?"
A sudden confidence fills your soul... For the first time in years (or maybe ever), you feel ALIVE... motivated, free, and strong. You see a clear path forward.
Building your ideal life, in momentum, with no regrets.
You're finally in control.
I'll be honest.
I was speechless. My body melted as I sank into the couch...
It was like time slowed down, and in one astonishing moment... stopped.
I felt something powerful shift inside me. Vivid clarity. Like I'd been in a trance, asleep at the wheel for years, but now I could see. I was AWAKE. And then...
An unexpected rush of anger.Â
Was everything I had been told a lie?
"Go to school."
"Get a job."
"Work hard until you're 65."
"And then... live your dreams. Someday."
(But careful, don't break that hip!)
It's not your fault. It's what they told us from the moment we were born.
Teachers. Parents. Friends. Neighbors. The IRS. The "system."
What if you could rewrite the rules?
Do what they say is impossible?
Get paid for results... not hours worked?
Defy average and become the king or queen of your own cashflow "empire"?
I knew this would change my life forever. And the lives of my kids, my family, and quite possibly the lives of thousands of other people I could now help.
A life of impact, fulfillment, and contribution.
Giving back in a way others only dream of...
To become that person I always saw in my head...
To compress time and DO IT NOW...
Fate by choice, not chance.
That's what fuels my calling. And I bet if you're still reading, it's your calling, too.
They were all referrals!
Property owners loved what we were doing so much, they lined up to give us their Airbnb's™. Then they told their friends and family, and they lined up, too!
All without owning, renting or leasing any property.
Oh, and I didn't pay any furnishing costs, rent or utilities, either (sorry arbitrage).
I was using Other People's Property (OPP). They did nothing, and we both made money each month. We gave them time freedom and financial freedom.
Turns out, that makes you instantly valuable.
Because the more value you create, the more cash you activate.
So just between us, stop trying to make money.
Instead, ask:
"How can I genuinely help people and give them the most VALUE?"
Soon, there were so many people offering me their Airbnb's™, I started turning them down. I began to focus on the best ones, the "cream of the crop".
Quality over quantity.
The ones with highest potential.
Most lucrative cashflow.
Since I no longer accepted just anyone, this created real scarcity. I didn't have to beg anyone to "sign up." Instead, they tried to convince me to accept them.
I paid off over $63,000 in high interest debt.
My credit score skyrocketed from 617 to 830.
When my wife checked her credit card with 5-figure balance and it suddenly said "Balance $0", she looked at me with squinty eyes for the rest of the week.
"Is the man selling drugs... or is my phone broken?"
I've spent the time since then living my life bigger, growing my cashflow bigger, and making my impact bigger than I ever imagined was possible.
I'm not telling you this so you'll be impressed with me.
I'm sharing this so you'll be inspired that "Anything Is Possible," because it's true. If I could do this as an introvert with no real estate experience, anyone can do it.
I created transformation for myself and my clients through the power of Airbnb™ Rev Share, but first, I had to go all-in and fully commit myself.
I had to stop hiding in the shadows. Believe that everything I want, lies just on the other side of fear. To abandon my life of Quiet Desperation and BECOME MORE.
It's a fact.
There's a little-known science behind the world's most profitable listings that take the lion's share of bookings — while leaving everyone else in the dust.
We reverse engineered the billion-dollar Airbnb™ algorithm, which allows us to appear at the top of search results. In the past 12 months alone, our Airbnb's got 697,804 more views than similar listings.
Recently our properties had 91.4% occupancy, while the market had only 42.1% occupancy.
The Billion Dollar Blackbook™ exposes exactly how to "hack" the algorithms, giving you power to quickly outrank other hosts and get the juiciest bookings.
Over 67 lucrative variables based on our 10,000+ hours of testing, 4,527+ stays, and $2.3M in revenue.
Airbnb™ did a study revealing that listings with professional-quality photos earn up to 40% more revenue than those without 🤯
But sadly, Carnegie-Mellon analyzed 510,000 photos on Airbnb™ and found that 72% were “low-quality”!
Since I've worked for studios like Warner Bros and Universal (as well as won some 13 awards for outstanding achievement in visual mediums), I have a "secret weapon" that most hosts do not:
I know how to take photos that make guests salivate with desire and throw loads of cash at you.
If you want to become a 7-Figure host, this blueprint shows you how to make it rain like a hurricane.
Just because you have a phone in your pocket does not make you a photographer — any more than having a knife makes you a brain surgeon.
Quick tip from experience (since I've hired many "pro" photographers in an attempt to "delegate"):
Just because someone has a fancy camera and a sexy website does not mean they can take photos like this. Most of them are embarrassingly bad. The quality of the photos will make or break your success.
Because the right photos "print money."Â
My Revenue Rocket Fuel™ Blueprint boils down my 23 years of award-winning experience into a simple, paint-by-numbers guide that anyone can follow... even if you've never taken a picture in your life!
I could easily charge $10,000 for this blueprint alone and it would be vastly underpriced. My team thinks I'm literally insane for giving it away for only $1.00.Â
You know those greasy-haired salesmen that lick their chops when you meander into their car lot...Â
The instant panic as you desperately avoid eye contact with the rapidly approaching madman...
Nobody likes to "be sold."
People DO love to buy! Under one condition:
When they see the VALUE and desperately WANT the RESULT they'll get after buying.
Our result: "Do Nothing & Get Paid Every Month".
How's that for, well... irresistible?
This alluring 85-page lookbook turns potential clients into "Hell-Yes-Sign-Me-Up" clients...
Without ANY of the pushy, skin-crawling malarky that makes most people (including myself) shudder.
This "plug & play" template does all the "selling" for you, so you can simply focus on your cashflow.
I've spent hundreds of hours tweaking and improving this "digital magazine" over 5 years... and as an introvert, I am still amazed how well it works.
With this tool, new clients line up anxiously waiting to give you their Airbnb™... without a single awkward "sales call" or even asking for their property.
It's the closest thing to magic that I've found, and it is truly one of the greatest gifts I could ever give.
It's like a real school! But one you actually love, because what you learn makes endless recurring cashflow possible.
🔥 Monthly Masterclasses & Deep-Dive Sessions
🔥 Host Makeovers at least once a month breaking down the Airbnb™ listings and businesses of select students so you can have BREAKTHROUGHS that will help you master your skills and quickly achieve success.
🔥 7-Figure Cashflow Machine "A to Z" Success Path
With your Gold Membership, all these recordings are instantly available in the membership area so you can watch them and collect them as long as you're a member.
And if that weren't enough...
It's not just an "academy", it's a true community... an elite fellowship of like-minded people, who are ready to flip the switch and make their dream of freedom a REALITY.
You are about to enter a Reality Distortion Field.
That's right. People like us do what "normal people" say is impossible.
We make more money in one month or one week than they make all year. That's because we are Boundary Breakers. Paradigm Shifters. Disruptive Doers.Â
We DEFY average — because average is the enemy.
🚨 Know what makes billionaires different from everyone else? 🚨
Most people with a big goal ask, "How can I chop this up over 10 years?"
Billionaires ask: "How can I achieve my 10-year goal in only 6 months?"
We compress time.
Now, you can leave this page and go back to your normal life with your normal paycheck and your normal reality. With that normal feeling of quiet desperation.
You can go ALL IN with my "Time Warp Guarantee." Dive in and just try it out. I mean seriously, you're only risking a dollar. And hey, if you don't think it's worth it after 30 days (which is highly unlikely), I'll give the dollar back.
No questions, no quibbles.
I guarantee this will compress your time to results, so you can achieve financial freedom and the recurring cashflow you desire... FASTER.
If you don't make a promise to yourself...
Well, you'll likely spend the rest of your life haunted by the person you could have been. If only you had said "enough is enough"... and TAKEN THE LEAP...
I don't want that for you. Because I believe in you.
And I know you don't want that for yourself, your family, or for the countless lives you could change.Â
Crazy thing: The #1 enemy of wealth isn't mindset. It's delay.Â
So my Time-Warp Guarantee is a promise to yourself that you will stop wasting weeks, months and years spinning your wheels without making progress...
... and DO IT NOW.
Have you ever noticed there are two kinds of people?
The Doers vs the Dabblers. The Driven vs the Drifters.
The Invincible vs the Invisible.
Those who take extreme ownership and move through the phases of:
I Could... I Should... I Will... to
Which choice will you make?
I hope you don't let anything or anybody hold you back from going ALL IN on taking control of your life... and building the empire you were born to build.
Join me.
To Freedom,
Like I said earlier, I'm giving you this insane gift as a bribe, to test drive Bnb Alpha Academy™ Gold.
Why would I do this?
Well, there are actually a few reasons...
1. It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated customer. I am grateful for you and wanted to do something REALLY special :)
2. I wanted to show off this amazing community, and all this new training that I'm so proud of by giving you access to thousands of dollars of secrets I've created. There's no way we can do this forever, but right now you have a chance to lock in this HUGE discount.
3. I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future. The more success and influence we can make you now, the more likely you are to join our higher-level programs in the future.
 I'm Ready To Test-Drive Bnb Alpha Academy™ for 30 days, risking only $1 (And I Realize That I'm ALSO Getting The Billion Dollar Blackbook™, Revenue Rocket Fuel™ Photography Blueprint, The New Client Value-Blast Template, The Freedom Autopilot™ Roadmap, And The Bnb Alpha™ Core DNA Framework  - A $6,857 Value FOR FREE)
Listen, I'd hate for this to become just another resource that gets lost in the dusty attic of your downloads folder. Ain't gonna happen.
The gift you're getting today... PLUS what you'll be receiving every month you're in Bnb Alpha Academy™... are proven principles you'll want to revisit every time you work on your business...
So I don't want to beat around the bush about who this is really for...
This is FOR YOU if you're an Airbnb™ host or desire to be an Airbnb™ host, using Other People's Properties (with zero rent, utilities or furnishing costs), and you want to see TRANSFORMATION in your bank account as you build a real, scalable business on Airbnb™.
This is for the person who is DONE trying side hustle after side hustle without any REAL traction, or who wants an additional stream of income, or who wants to stop trading hours for dollars and actually achieve the freedom that comes from semi-passive recurring income.
That's it, plain and simple.
This is NOT FOR YOU if you think this will magically make you gazillions of dollars in fourteen seconds without putting in some work to learn and implement these systems.
This is also NOT for the repeat "signer-uppers"... the nincompoops that sign up for everything under the stars, thinking that just by "having it" then fortunes will fall in their lap...
This might just be the LAST system you'll ever need — a fresh approach that's quietly taking America by storm... (in an industry projected to hit $117+ BILLION this year...)
A cashflow machine that doesn't care about your age, qualifications, background, or experience, because this system works anywhere — small remote towns, quiet suburbs or big cities.
With that said... my question to you is this: can you really afford NOT to sign-up?
Because those wiser than me will tell you, life is short. Make every moment count.
Do this for you, and for your future... hit the button below right now and sign-up today before the initial $1 trial launch ends.
Q: How Does The $1.00 Trial Work?
A: Test-drive Bnb Alpha Academy™ Gold for a full 30 days for only $1. No collywobbles, promise. Then, if you agree the on-demand training and monthly masterclasses contain the best, most valuable advice on Airbnb™ Rev Share, and can't wait to implement everything taught, then we'll continue to give you access every month going forward and bill you based on the details you choose on the next page.
Q: When will I receive my free gifts?
A: When you sign up today for the 30-Day trial, you will receive instant access in your email inbox to all of the free digital downloads.
Q: Is All Of This Value Really Just $1.00?! What's the catch?
A: Yes, it's true! We're not just blowin' smoke over here. When you say "maybe" today, you will get up to $6,857 of my Airbnb™ "Rev Share" Secrets... that once implemented can and will transform your life, and impact your family (and your legacy) in a holy-heck kinda way!
Q: Who Is This For?
A: This is for anyone who wants a new stream of cashflow, that keeps coming month after month. Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to get off the "Struggle Bus" and make recurring income. Existing entrepreneurs who want to diversify with an additional income stream. Or anyone who wants financial freedom.
My Bnb Alpha Academy™ hits you month after month with real, battle-tested strategies used by some of the world's most successful hosts and business owners. Let me show you the wins, the mistakes, and the best business tips so you can learn and grow without taking on unnecessary pain and frustration.
Q: What If I'm Not Satisfied With My Subscription?
A: This is highly unlikely. Wait until you dive into the free gifts, and you'll see what I mean. With that said, if you don't find my expert Airbnb™ business advice even the least bit useful... then you can cancel anytime and we'll part as friends. So, if you are part of the small percentage of people that don't find this useful, then you can cancel and we won't hold it against you (sniff).
Q: How Much Does It Cost?
A: Today, you can secure up to $6,857 in crazy cool Airbnb™ training from me (Derek)... for just $1.00!
Then, after the initial 30-day test-run, if you love us and agree we're the best to help take your cashflow to another level... then we'll keep giving you access every month and we'll bill you based on the membership you choose on the next page.
Disclaimer - This information will give you actionable steps to scaling a successful Airbnb™ business.
Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved.Â
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